PRF Hair Restoration

What is PRF Hair Restoration?

Hair loss is extremely common and affects 50% of men and 40% of women at some point in their life. However, none of us want to see thinning hair or a receding hairline in the mirror. On the other hand, thick full hair is often associated with youth and vigor.

Hair loss can be attributed to hormonal imbalances, lifestyle, stress, metabolism, nutrition, and aging. However, hair restoration without surgery is possible. PRF is a virtually painless procedure that may improve patients’ hair quality and their ability to regrow hair.

Platelet-Rich-Fibrin (PRF) nourishes inactive hair follicles and stimulates growth through the body’s natural wound healing process. The same factors essential to tissue regeneration and healing are used to grow and strengthen hair follicles.

This process is made possible by using the patient’s blood sample processed in a centrifuge and injected into the scalp. But first, your practitioner will numb your scalp with a topical anesthetic cream to ensure you have a comfortable experience with this virtually painless procedure. Next, we like to follow up with micro needling the area and infuse it with additional growth factors.

Patients love PRF Hair restoration because it’s all-natural, and they don’t have to take daily medication or deal with side effects. This treatment requires no downtime; we recommend that you take it easy after your appointment and avoid washing your hair or exercising. You can resume your regular habits the following day.

How does PRF Hair Restoration work?

PRF or platelet-rich fibrin effectively uses your body’s growth factors to stimulate collagen production, tissue regeneration, and hair regrowth. Since PRF comes from your blood, your body is less likely to reject this treatment and it’s possible to reach your desired result without the potential side effects of medication.

Skin Tightening Woman's Face

PRF Hair Restoration Results

Hair Restoration

3 weeks

Hair Restoration

3 weeks

Hair Restoration

3 weeks

Hair restoration

Regrowth of thinning hair

Hair Restoration

Regrowth of thinning hair

Hair Restoration

Regrowth of thinning hair

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What should I expect during my appointment?

It’s common to have questions about a procedure before you book your appointment. This treatment works best when you prepare your body ahead of time, so you’ll want to boost your water intake for a few days leading up to your treatment. When you begin your treatment, your practitioner will place a numbing cream on your scalp and then take a blood sample from your arm (similar to when you have lab work done). Then your blood sample will be added to a machine called a centrifuge which will separate the platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) from the rest of the blood. The PRF is then injected into the scalp where hair loss has occurred, this process nourishes the hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the area. We then perform a microneedling treatment on the scalp with growth factors to encourage healthy hair growth. Supplementation is recommended for some patients to encourage further growth. PRF hair restoration uses the body’s own stem cells and wound healing process to stimulate new growth and thicken hair.

Am I a good candidate for hair restoration?

PRF candidates are carefully screened to determine if a medical cause has led to hair loss. If so, we will refer you to a Primary Care Physician for care. PRF is ideal for androgenic alopecia, a hereditary condition that affects hair growth over time. The best candidates are those who have thinning hair but are not balding. However, many patients have seen success from chronic hair loss.

With any medical aesthetic procedure, it’s important to maintain reasonable expectations of what is possible with treatments and potential outcomes. We will answer any questions about this treatment during your consultation. Patients with underlying health conditions such as lupus or thyroid disease are less likely to experience success with hair restoration treatments since these conditions often cause hair loss to continue.

What are the benefits of hair restoration?

Hair loss is a common issue that affects both male and female patients. Having thick full hair can directly affect your self-confidence. PRF Hair Restoration treatments have helped patients fill in a receding hairline, thicken previously thinning hair and restore hair after hair loss has occurred. PRF may be an excellent option for you if you have thinning hair. 

How long will it take to see results?

Patients typically begin seeing results around three months after the initial treatments. The good news is once you see those initial results, they continue to improve over the next few months, and for some patients, additional treatments or a maintenance routine is established.

How many treatments should I get?

Treatment plans can vary from patient to patient based on the extent of hair loss and what areas of the scalp are thinning, but most patients notice a treatment response after three sessions. If those initial sessions are favorable, your practitioner may recommend completing the second series of treatments or beginning a maintenance routine with treatments every 6-9 months. We will discuss your optimal results and develop a personalized treatment plan when you set your appointment.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Topical anesthetic can be applied to the scalp. Additionally a vibration anesthesia device can be used to reduce any discomfort

This depends on the amount of thinning hair requiring treatment.  We’ll draw blood and create the PRF, then inject the PRF and apply growth factors. Plan for 45 minutes to an hour

Patients typically start seeing results around 2 months time and the improvements continue in the next few months. Most patients return once or twice a year for a “PRF booster” but this varies person to person. For many, hair restoration is a lifelong treatment

A series of three treatments is recommended before assessing treatment response. If results are favorable, it may be recommended to do another series of three treatments or to start maintenance treatments every 6-9 months

With no risk of side effects or allergic reactions from the PRF itself, the only side effects from the procedure are those inherent with injectable treatments of any kind – minor swelling, redness or soreness.

Most patients’ side effects fade within a few hours. Some experience mild soreness or swelling which can last a day or two

Active infection or injury to the treatment site are contraindications to treatment. Complete balding is not reversible with this treatment.

Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding are also not candidates

Recovery is easy and painless. After treatment you should rest and avoid washing the scalp until the following morning. After that you may resume normal activities. For best results we likely will suggest starting vitamin supplementation with Nutrafol and medical management with minoxidil

Other questions? Give us a call and we’d be happy to talk over any concerns!

Schedule Your Appointment

Let us know if we can answer any questions or help with booking. Looking forward to meeting you and helping make your treatment experience a comfortable and convenient one!